COMP 211: Principles of Imperative Computation
Sections 1 and 2, Fall 2021
         Home Schedule Policies Resources         

Homework submission

Homework should be submitted by 11:59p on the day that it is due. Homework should be typed and submitted online to a Google drive directory that I will create for each of you, containing subdirectories for each homework.

Written assignments must have your full name and the assignment number near the upper right-hand corner of all pages submitted. Source code must have the above information in a comment at the beginning of the file. Written work must be typed and submitted in PDF format. No other format is accepted (i.e., no Microsoft Word documents), nor are scans of handwritten work. If you use applications such as Microsoft Word to produce your documents, I strongly recommend verifying the results of the PDF conversion before submission.


For 20-point assignments, the scores correspond to letter grades as follows, but divided by 5:
  • 20: A+. Perfect.
  • 19: A. Stellar work. Shows an ability to go beyond what was taught directly in lecture or in the text.
  • 17: B. Solid work. Shows mastery of concepts taught in lecture and/or the text.
  • 15: C. Shows an understanding of concepts taught in lecture and/or the text, but with some problems.
  • 13: D. Shows some understanding of concepts taught in lecture and/or the text, but with significant problems.
  • 11: E. Shows little understanding of concepts taught in lecture and/or the text.
  • 9: F. Shows no understanding of concepts taught in lecture and/or the text.
Typically grades are given for an entire assignment, not individual problems. Assignments will be worth 60% of your course grade and each exam 20%. No scores are dropped.

Late submissions

You have four free days for late assignment submissions. Your stock of free days is decreased by one for each partial day you turn in any assignment late. If you have zero free days left, then you will lose 15% of the possible points for each 24 hours or portion thereof your assignment is late. The only constraint on your use of your free days is that no assignment may be submitted more than 48 hours late. Regrades must be requested within one week of the return of the assignment in question.

Lectures, readings, and labs

During lecture, all cell phones must be turned off. Side conversations during class, leaving class for coffee, etc., is distracting to both your professors and your colleagues, so please refrain from doing so. I know that you will sometimes need to ask your neighbor to remind you of something I just said, and that is fine. It is the longer discussions that are an issue; those should be turned into questions to ask, because probably other students have the same question. Most learning of the programming language will be done in weekly labs. Although I will not take attendance, labs are mandatory Concepts you are required to know will be taught in some lab sessions and not covered in lecture.

Working together and academic integrity

I encourage you to discuss course material and homework with your classmates, course assistants, and myself. However, any work you submit must be wholly your own work. and may not be derived from the work of others, whether a published or unpublished source, the world wide web, another student, other textbooks, materials from another course, from prior semesters of this course, or any other person or program. You may not copy, examine, or alter anyone else's homework assignment or computer program, or use a computer program to transcribe or otherwise modify or copy anyone else's files.

While it is permissible to discuss a homework assignment with other students, the following whiteboard policy should be used. Discussion of assignments may take place at a whiteboard (or using scrap paper, etc.), but no one is allowed to take notes or record the discussion of what is written on the board. The board must be erased at the end of the discussion, and you must allow two hours to lapse after any discussion before writing, coding, etc. The fact that you can recreate the solution from memory is taken as proof that you actually understood it. You may return to the (now blank) whiteboard to continue further discussions, but you may not consult your notes, code, etc., and this next discussion is subject to the same constraints as the first one.

Any evidence of cheating, including but not limited to exchange of code or solutions, copying of code from the Internet or other sources, or decompiling or reverse engineering programs that we have not posted in source-code format will be taken very seriously and referred to the Honor Board if appropriate. I reserve the right to check submissions for cheating at any time, including after grades have been assigned. In all cases, you are expected to abide by Wesleyan's Honor Code as described in the Student Handbook, which is available at

Students with disabilities

Students with Disabilities: Wesleyan University is committed to ensuring that all qualified students with disabilities are afforded an equal opportunity to participate in, and benefit from, its programs and services. To receive accommodations, a student must have a disability as defined by the ADA. Since accommodations may require early planning and generally are not provided retroactively, please contact Accessibility Services as soon as possible.

If you have a disability, or think that you might have a disability, please contact Accessibility Services in order to arrange an appointment to discuss your needs and the process for requesting accommodations. Accessibility Services is located in North College, rooms 021/022, or can be reached by email ( or phone (860-685-5581).

More information about Disability Resources may be found at: